I used to be wild, not domesticated

Here is tonight's ironing, note the inclusion of an apple for scale. Until I had Scarlett I didn't iron anything. I was very fastidious about how I hung things up to dry and then hoped I was perfecting the shabby chic look. Now, I iron everything (apart from pants) and have a strange sense of calm when it is all done and neatly piled.
Having said that, I don't look forward to it so use my hatred of things being out of their place as an incentive - by putting up the ironing board and getting out the iron as early as possible I have to do it as I cannot bear for them to be out any longer than is necessary.
Make any sense?
So, today is the end of Dan's "weekend" and he dragged himself off to work at 5. He's out tomorrow night (football - hopefully not joining the 'Jim Out' protests that are all the buzz of the town), then working Thursday and Friday night.
Fingers crossed we will get to sit down with a glass of wine on Saturday night and I will still be awake at 9.
When I got home from work my inbox was literally bulging with old photos, carefully scanned and sent by Auntie Penny.
In honour of all her hard work, here are a couple of gems....


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