Left holding a dustpan and brush

I just wrote a really prolific - and quite amusing - post when somehow (and this happens ALOT) my cursor drifted over some unknown key, selected all the text and deleted it just as it was autosaved.

How can that happen?
Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Z but still nothing came back.

In a nutshell this is what it said:

Darling Husband is on a last minute to Turin in return for completing the removal of the woodchip wallpaper in our hallway.

House has been invaded by workmen this week who have been plastering walls and fitting very nice cast iron rescued fireplace.

House is therefore very dusty and I have spent much of every evening this week cleaning, sweeping and chipping off plaster drips.

I am tired and really need some sleep but have mentally written myself a long list of jobs and tasks that need doing. I was just pondering why I would have done something so daft when the text disappeared.

I think I will fast-forward to bath and bed (in the clean sheets that are a must when you have the bed to yourself), read my book and rest my weary head on one of these lovely cushions I treated myself to (just £15 each from the Futon Company).


Vera Amos said…
Ooooo, I love your cushions they are gorgeous. Is Dan's trip footy orientated by any chance?

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