A frustrating time at the allotment

I like communicating and I love communication. I really enjoy thinking of different ways to deliver messages and I am always really switched on when I hear of strategies or really cool ideas. It has taken me a long time to realise that this perhaps where my skills are - if only because I am passionate and chatty.
At the allotment AGM last month, comments were made about the lack of interest in the shop, Open Day and tidying borders. I couldn't stay quiet. I took a deep breath (this being my first AGM) and asked how they communicated to Plot Holders. Of course I already knew the answer. There is no communication. It is all word of mouth - but there are lots of people who have no idea who the Committee Members are, have no idea who to speak to if they want to donate produce for the events or how to communciate with the Secretary if they have a proposal for an AGM.
For the last four years, I have had no idea what is happening or who to talk to.
So, I suggested a few simple things that could be done. Nothing major - letting people know key dates, producing eye-catching posters, advertising the contact details for the Committee and letting everyone know when the Shed Shop is open and what it sells.
I thought it had been well received and I thought it would be a great thing for me to do. I had some nice supportive comments after the meeting.
And then it all went quiet.
Last week I was told, to be fair somewhat sheepishly, that it had been decided that there was no point contacting plot holders regularly as people aren't interested. I was told that posters for the Open Day had been done and that details of the plots that Committee Members were on would be put on display.
I was disappointed. I don't agree that there is no point; but I don't like to make a fuss so I said very little - except to point out that the time of the Open Day was missing on the posters
Maybe I need to work on my communication skills.


Vera Amos said…
Lol, some people just can't be helped even if you offer it for free and move with the times too. Well done for speaking up you never know one day they may decide that communication is Key!

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